
What Does a Lawyer Do?

Lawyers represent clients by providing legal advice, preparing legal documents, arguing cases in court, and negotiating settlements.

Having a career as a lawyer requires perseverance. There are many difficult days, such as when a client isn’t happy with their case outcome or when a colleague makes an unfair accusation. Click to learn more.

Legal advice is a specific opinion or recommendation of how you should deal with a particular factual situation that is based on your own unique set of circumstances. It involves analyzing the law and applying it to those facts, and requires extensive training, education, and experience that only a licensed attorney can possess. Only an attorney can give you legal advice, and the law strictly prohibits anyone else from doing so.

While the internet has made it much easier to obtain legal information, it is important to know that there is a big difference between legal information and legal advice. The difference is crucial because of the potential consequences of getting bad legal advice. Bad legal advice can result in prison sentences, huge fines, and lost assets.

As the demand for legal services continues to grow, many attorneys and law firms have begun marketing themselves online by providing practical legal information through websites and blogs. While this is a good thing in general, it is important to remember that the information provided does not constitute legal or other advice. It is not a substitute for a personal consultation with a qualified attorney.

Courts have struggled with how to best address the ethical standards that relate to unauthorized practice of law, especially when staff is asked to help patrons understand court processes and procedures. While it is not the role of a court clerk to provide legal advice, they may be able to explain how the law applies to their patron’s case. They may also be able to answer questions about the availability of free or low-cost legal aid.

ABA Free Legal Answers is a virtual legal advice clinic that allows people to post their civil legal question and receive answers from lawyers who have agreed to volunteer their time to the project. Several attorneys from Baker Donelson are volunteers on the site and have been helping people with their legal problems for over a quarter century. In this episode, former ABA President Jim Sandman, Past Chair of the Standing Committee on Pro Bono and Public Service Judy Perry Martinez, and Buck Lewis discuss how the site works and why it is so successful.

Legal Document Preparation

Legal document preparation is an important aspect of the legal practice. It requires careful attention to detail, as mistakes can have serious consequences in the courtroom or other legal proceedings. Additionally, it is important to have a comprehensive understanding of legal terminology and formatting principles to create documents that are both legally sound and linguistically precise.

Legal documents can take many forms, from letters to formal agreements and contracts. Depending on their purpose, they may be sent as demand or notice letters, written in response to another party’s demands or offers of settlement, or as legal notice that a lawsuit will be filed. Directives and agreements describe parties’ obligations to one another and how a matter will be governed, such as a contract to purchase a home or a will.

Traditionally, only attorneys and law offices were responsible for preparing legal documents. However, the rise of the Internet and online document creation software has allowed non-lawyers to prepare basic legal documents for a fee. The industry has become a significant business, with companies such as LegalZoom and RocketLawyer generating hundreds of millions in revenue annually. Additionally, some legal aid agencies and state courts provide online interactive legal documents directly to consumers for free.

The key to preparing effective legal documents is planning out what the document will accomplish. It is also important to adhere to the rules and requirements of your jurisdiction. For example, a court might have certain formatting guidelines (such as font, margins, and the order of sections) that must be followed in all legal documents submitted to that court. Using a readable typeface and including headings, sub-headings, and white space can also make your documents more readable and easier to understand.

Whether you are a small business owner who needs to file official government paperwork or an individual who wants to create a will, utilizing legal document preparation services can help you save time and money. These services can also ensure that your documents are properly prepared and grammatically correct, making them more likely to be accepted by courts and other legal entities.

Arguing a Case in Court

After the evidence is in, both sides in a case present their arguments to the judge (or judges) who will ultimately decide the case. This is called a trial. The lawyer for each side tells the jury what the evidence proves and why their client should win the case. They also give the jury a list of rules that they must follow when deliberating. This is called the charge to the jury.

Before a court hears a case, lawyers submit legal arguments in writing to the judge who will decide the case. These written statements are called briefs. Justices of the Supreme Court and judges of lower appellate courts read these briefs prior to oral argument. The attorneys who argue the cases are seated at tables facing the bench. A Marshal’s aide sits behind the Justices and carries messages from a Justice to a member of his or her staff.

During oral argument, the judges will ask questions of the attorneys who are arguing the cases. The judges may also discuss the law or the case facts with the lawyers. It is important for attorneys to stay calm and respectful, even when interrupted. They should also check that the authorities (published court decisions, constitutions, statutes, court rules or other legal authorities) that they cited in their briefs are still valid and have not been overruled or replaced by new laws. A transcript of the proceedings is made after every oral argument. The attorneys who are arguing the case must keep their comments to 15 minutes or less, unless told otherwise by the Justices.

Negotiating a Settlement

Often, the parties in a case agree to settle rather than proceed to trial. This can save time, money and other resources for both sides. Your lawyer can advise you about whether or not settlement is a good option in your case. If the parties do decide to settle, your lawyer will help you prepare a settlement agreement.

When preparing for a settlement negotiation, your lawyer will investigate the claims made by the plaintiff (the person who filed the lawsuit). This may involve reviewing documents, interviewing witnesses, examining evidence or other steps. The lawyer will then use this information to evaluate the strength of the case. He or she will take into account previous settlement demands in similar cases, your lawyer’s experience and knowledge of this area of law, and other factors to determine if settlement makes sense.

Skilled negotiators generally agree that the first offer should be high, but reasonable. This will encourage your opponent to move toward your offer, and it will give you room for bargaining later on. It’s also a way to show your good faith and a desire to avoid a costly court battle.

Some issues are nonnegotiable, such as a criminal conviction for antitrust fraud or a disputed child custody issue in a divorce action. If this is the case, your lawyer should place this on the bargaining agenda as a precondition for settlement.

It’s important to remain calm and courteous throughout the negotiation process. It’s also a good idea to keep any correspondence and conversations with your employer confidential, to preserve the integrity of your case.

Depending on the circumstances of your case, you might be offered outplacement support by your employer, which typically consists of guidance with finding another job and help preparing a CV. This is a great way to boost your confidence and reduce the stress of redundancy. However, you should get advice from an employment solicitor before deciding whether this is right for you. You should also run any offer from your employer through a lawyer to ensure that it covers all of your damages and is fair.